About us

Basecamp Co-operative 
  • was created to serve the community/wedi ei chreu i wasanaethu'r gymuned.
  • is transparent and has a voluntary and open membership/yn dryloyw a chanddi aelodaeth wirfoddol ac agored.
  • welcomes and encourages the community, all stakeholders and users of services to join the membership/yn croesawu ac yn annog y gymuned, yr holl randdeiliaid a defnyddwyr gwasanaethau i ymuno â'r aelodaeth.
  • is an organisation, run by the community, for the good of the community/yn sefydliad, a redir gan y gymuned, er lles y gymuned.
  • is based on the principles of self-help and mutual help/yn seiliedig ar egwyddorion hunan-gymorth a chyd-gymorth.
  • members have equal rights in managing the day to day business as well as ongoing projects/yn sicrhau hawliau cyfartal i’w haelodau wrth reoli'r busnes o ddydd i ddydd yn ogystal â phrosiectau parhaus
  • has an open door policy and a physical space for activities that benefit the community and its members/â pholisi drws agored a lle ffisegol ar gyfer gweithgareddau sydd o fudd i'r gymuned a'i haelodau.
  • engages in a continual search for new members to ensure diversity, and inclusivity/yn chwilio'n barhaus am aelodau newydd i sicrhau amrywiaeth, a chynwysoldeb.
  • works to ensure the wide variety of needs of our community are understood and addressed/yn gweithio i sicrhau bod amrywiaeth eang o anghenion ein cymuned yn cael eu deall a'u diwallu.